Sunday, September 21, 2008

Introducing my GEW Team in Warisan Global : Part 4

This is Vani and she is my partner and friend.

Vani is a trained accountant and an entrepreneur in her own right.

Full of energy and a keen eye for details, Vani ensures that WG's cash register is constantly ringing, keeps the team motivated and me out of trouble ;-)

For GEW, Vani helps me keep my costs in check.

Vani, together with my other HODs (Head of Departments) ensures that WG and her other assignments are delivered smoothly and together they make it possible for me to have the freedom to go out there to do what i enjoy most - connecting with people, ideas and catalyzing entrepreneurship.

Vani also ensures our kids do their homework whilst keeping up with my crazy hours and ventures.

Thanks a million Vani.

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