Thursday, September 18, 2008

Some Fun Stuff : What the Star Says of Entrepreneurs

Some fun stuff for you:

Star signs: Characteristics & Tips
By Anne Burgess, Astrologer


Approach in business is direct, energetic, enthusiastic and very good at presenting new ideas, that is, until the novelty wears off, then others are left to carry the load.
TIP : Best suited where flair for developing strategy can be active and varied.


Has purposeful and determined qualities which are good for the practical side of business. Are slower to make decisions although will come up with a well calculated solution.
TIP: Fine as long as they are left to their own devices and will resist interference, may be better with direction rather than exploring new tactics.


Quick to learn and will suggest alternative concepts, excel in negotiating and using interpersonal skills with the business fraternity. Do not appreciate being tied to the office as a workplace.
TIP: Need to make use of their varied and innovative abilities by keeping them on the move.


Very sensitive with a strong need for security and a sense of responsibility and will not be accustomed to taking risks or making a gamble as their approach is for the safest way.
TIP: Can be prone to fickle moods which require a kind response and may find an entrepreneurial role a little fearful.


Powerful and generous and most comfortable in a leadership role where they are in total control, good at achieving goals and motivated by profit.
TIP: best left to their own organisation, are invariably successful and will not take kindly to another taking over their project.


Very motivated and meticulous and excel at bringing order to confusion and may find difficulty seeing the whole picture as detail can swamp their vision.
TIP: can promote ideas but are more likely to be stressed and fretful in their health.


Hard working and a strong sense of fair play and expect the same from others around them. They need harmony to operate and not keen to enter the "fray" if it arises. May take a passive role in the business field.
TIP: When confusion occurs they can become stuck and unbalanced making little progress to find a solution.


Powerful and focussed with nothing on a superficial level, able to evaluate and perform to a high degree and prefer to be in charge perhaps doing it all alone, and well.
TIP: Tend to value confidentiality at an almost secretive level and if let down, their wrath is frightening.


Honest and straightforward with business acumen and their insight borders on prophecy. They have a desire to be appreciated and may be impatient with the uninformed.
TIP: Associates need to develop a thick skin as they would hear the undiluted truth.


Very ambitious, serious and loyal with excellent attention to detail and require confidence to explore new ventures.
TIP: May become bossy, organising and inflexible to change.


Determined and stubborn with good knowledge for modern technology. Will introduce unusual and innovative schemes and may become agitated when not understood.
TIP: If they can be left to their own devices all is well, the need for tact and diplomacy can crush their forward thinking skills.


Sensitive and aware of doing the right thing, they unconsciously absorb thoughts and ideas of those around them which can be used as a strength for negotiating and leadership roles.
TIP: Need to keep goals firmly in place or may become lost in the process, when on target have success.

- ends -

Lets see if we can do a game activity during "the Week" with this knowledge ? How about SpeedNetworking for "Compatibility of Partnerships" ?

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