Monday, September 29, 2008

Ideas for "the Week" : Part 7

Sink or Swim: Keep Your Business Afloat

Not every business is always booming. Organize a competition in which participants think of ways to improve existing businesses that are on the rocks.

Getting a Head Start: Launching Your Career Before Graduation

This session will benefit both students and entrepreneurial business leaders by providing students with the opportunity to show businesses their “new” way of consulting and how it could benefit established businesses. Each student consulting firm will present their ideas to a business leader to receive feedback.

Do It Yourself Entrepreneur’s Market

The growing popularity of farmer’s markets have allowed for local farmers and artisans to experience a profitable enterprise. Put on local entrepreneur’s markets in your city and instill a sense of community, while allowing for resident entrepreneurs to “shop” and look for lucrative ventures.

Changing Yourself into a Money Making Business

Revitalize your business. Encourage participants to expand their market strategies to include other purchasers, both individuals and companies. New and innovative marketing tactics can only improve the quality of a business.

Don’t Let Big Business Get You Down

Daunting corporations can turn off potential small business owners from entering the market. However, the right environment can spell success for those who brave the waters. Community leaders and successful small business owners share their tales about how to make businesses flourish in the face of giant superstores.


Franchises offer ready-made package for the aspiring entrepreneur. These companies all have one thing in common: successful branding techniques. Invite experts from local franchises to discuss the issue of branding and techniques that can lead to an advantage in the marketplace.

Sales Pitch

One of the most successful ways to find financing for a business is by having a great sales pitch. Host a competition between student-teams; the winning team will make the most persuasive sales pitch. Students should be able to demonstrate that they know their target audience, that their product fulfills a need, and that their product will improve society.

Future Entrepreneurs Weekend

Ask local entrepreneurs and business leaders to help with a two-day entrepreneurship camp. Have entrepreneurs discuss the challenges and gratification associated with becoming an entrepreneur. Host seminars on topics ranging from how to make a product idea into a reality to using their product to fulfill a social need, to learning from common entrepreneurial missteps.

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