Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 3 : No Goodbyes, New Beginnings

The final day was a more open day for everyone to have separate discussions with specific people at the Foundation.

They were also forums on the Global Scholars Program etc.

Then it was nice sumptuous lunch.

The organizers took great pains to ensure everyone's dietary needs are met.

I am not a great fan of goodbyes. It always makes me sad. Spending 3 days with all the hosts from all the countries - people you have worked with but not seen was difficult..

Anyway, many of us met on the sidelines in the bar and restaurants the whole day.

Now, the time has come for me to say bye to Kansas City - catching the flight in a few hours.


1 comment:

Ahmad A Talib said...

I say! I should have followed you and expand my horizon! You obviously enjoyed the networking! Keep it up! salams!