This is Vani - as the Indians would say " my better half". The emphasis here could be in the word "better"!
My association with her has, I believe, made me an individual - made me stand out from the crowd, if you may.
I met Vani 22 years ago - she "dashed" into the staff entrance door of the big 4 where I was working. It was her first day at work. No, it was not love at first sight - far from it.
We became good friends - even that took a long time. We were more "as a matter of fact" friends than anything else.
Anyway, we slowly got to know each other. For me it was more of an admiration for her sharp intellect. I slowly found out she had a good heart too.
She says she saw in me "some potential to amount to something" !
When it came to numbers and finance, she is a whiz kid. She is a trained accountant and a tax consultant
We got married 3 years after we met. Its been a great 19 years now.
Vani, rightfully should have her name beside mine in everything I do. She is the force behind all my ventures and endeavours.
However, I have always kept her name close to mine. Apart from being my wife and friend, she is COO and CFO in WG. No, she did not get the job because she is my wife. She is capable.
Happy Valentine's Day Vani !
Thank you for everything you have done for me !
Happy Valentine you two lovebirds! :)
I takes a big man to acknowledge your wife the way you did here. :)
Vani is as blessed as she is to you. This is exemplary living...
Joy and love to the both of you!
Thank You Tim and NaS !
I try !
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