Rassa and I attended Cradle Fund's Chinese New Year high tea and networking session yesterday. It was held at one of the leading hotels in the Golden Triangle.
According to the invite, the gathering was from 2pm to 5.30pm. The invite also said there will be 1 speech and 1 presentation. The speech was by Nazrin Hassan, CEO of Cradle Fund Sdn.Bhd. and the presentation was by David Lo, Principal Consultant from Six Brands - a consultancy services firm.
David's presentation was titled "Capitalising on Luck" - an apt topic in interesting times like this.
Due to some prior commitments, I was only able to get there by 4pm - fighting KL traffic. When I got there, David was in the midst of his presentation. From the little I heard of what he said, it seemed interesting.
Anyway, Rassa and I mingled and stayed till the end. We left when almost everyone has left and the hotel staff was stacking up the chairs and giving us dirty looks - "the function is over guys, get lost"!
This is the problem with functions like this. You meet your friends and comrades. Its almost always like a family get together. You can't just say bye and leave. The bye's are like "bye's" in Bollywood movies...minus the tears of course ! They take an hour and the host usually talks to their guests until the guests get into the elevator and the doors are closing...even then they try to put their hands in between the closing doors to shake your hand one more time with a broad smile !
You then get an sms or email to say "thank you for coming to our party - we enjoyed your company" !
This is what makes Malaysia special when it comes to the Rakyat (her people) - we have strong bonds. We love to party. We love to have gatherings and people are always dressed in vibrant colours. When it comes to food - we never short-change our guests. We freely let them add a few more inches to their waistline and to top it off give them a door gift ;-)
The culture of kenduri (feasts in villages) has not gone away. We have brought it with us to our five star hotels !
Nazrin, thanks for organizing such a bash. It was truly great to catch up with everyone. I love to attend other people's gathering as it gives me time to actually talk to people and appreciate them for everything they are doing to make Malaysia and the entrepreneurial community fun, exciting and worth its while.
The usual suspects were there at the do : Andrew from MIRC, Stephen and Lee Ching from TeAM, Prem - Malaysiakini, Peter Tham - Microsoft, Daniel Cerventus - Malaysian Entrepreneurs, Keng Yew from Social Walk, Azim - Alpha Catalyst and more..
I also had the pleasure of meeting some new people.
All in all, a great evening. Thank you again Naz and team at Cradle - as usual, you guys always out do yourself.
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